Why value proposition matters
🤨 “Your competitor is offering the same thing at a significantly lower price. So why should I choose you?”
🎁 That’s where your value proposition comes in.
Your value prop is the bridge between your customers functional needs / emotional wants and what your company offers.
Examples of Functional Needs:
⏰ Save time
💰 Save money
💪🏼 Takes little effort
Examples of Emotional Wants:
🎭 Be entertained
🧘 Prioritize wellness and self-care
💄 Feel good about how you look
Your value prop can be a combination of needs and wants, but with a specific customer in mind.
For Yeti, their products are “for the serious outdoor enthusiast.”
For Hydroflask, they want to “help you be outside living your best life.”
Both companies offer an insulated water bottle.
👆🏼 Value props aren’t beholden to one specific product - which means if you decide to expand or improve your offer, your core values stay intact.
🌟 Remember to stay grounded on how customers define your value, NOT what your business thinks it’s values are.
Features are great.
Benefits are better.
Values win every time.