The power of specificity

Many creative agencies tout “storytelling” as one of their featured services.

But what does “storytelling” actually mean?

Storytelling is about your hero.

Who is your customer.

And guess what…

They have a problem.

This problem may be extrinsic (laid off, new and unknown neighborhood, a dying garden, etc.)

It may also be intrinsic (lacking energy, feelings of isolation, self-doubt, etc.)

But with your product or service…

They can overcome.

Think of the most memorable #SuperBowl commercials you’ve seen.

Some of them may be gimmicky.

But the best ones focus on a specific audience and demonstrate a specific emotional value.

In every successful campaign, the key is specificity.

‘Cause if you miss, oh well.

But when your story resonates…

It’s a bullseye.


Lucy Darby

I help passionate entrepreneurs design better experiences for their customers.

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How to invite and engage