The power of constant feedback

Creativity and innovation are repeatable processes, not sudden outcomes.

And they’re both powered by constant, proactive, and rigorous feedback.

Gone are the days of Mad Men style presentations, where designers and copywriters hid in a board room for a few weeks and emerge with a fully polished concept.

Or when new business owners justify dodging early customer feedback, terrified that some newcomer will swoop in and steal their ideas or that their concepts “aren’t ready” to be tested.

Your clients and customers are an integral part of the creative process. Without them, you’d be out of a job.

So invite your clients into the board room to roll up their sleeves and point out the flaws.

Take your customers out to lunch and ask what they really think of your product.

The customer may not always be right…

But they’re not always wrong either.

Lucy Darby

I help passionate entrepreneurs design better experiences for their customers.

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