Design and procrastination

Even after yeeaaaars in the freelancing and consulting space, I still have never managed to conquer the procrastination trap.

But I do have a little tip that helps. Most of the time.

📖 In David Allen’s book “Getting Things Done,” he illustrates a decision-making flow that helps organize and prioritize… well, things to be done.

One of the 8 possible outcomes is identifying an actionable task that can be completed in under two minutes…

✅ Do it immediately. And mark it as done.

Whether it’s an email, a reminder, a thought at the end of a phone call.

*Shia LeBeouf voice* Just do it.

(Can’t get to it right away? Allot a specific time on the calendar to get it done. Or identify the next action required to accomplish the task.)

⭐️ Just. Dew it.

Lucy Darby

I help passionate entrepreneurs design better experiences for their customers.

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