Doctor Disability
Brand Identity, Website Design
Helping doctors protect what matters most.
Doctor Disability is one of the leading providers of disability insurance to medical professionals.

Case Study
Revitalizing Doctor Disability's Brand Identity and Website
The Challenge
As Doctor Disability shifted its marketing strategy to expand its online reach, the existing website faced the need for a comprehensive redesign. The challenge was multifaceted: develop a logo, brand identity, and website that not only conveyed financial security and income protection but also eliminated visual confusion with medical institutions.
Some visitors even mistook the website for an actual medical practitioner rather than a disability insurance provider. My role was to create a cohesive visual identity and redesign the website to prioritize user experience and transparent communication.
The Process
I conducted an audit of the current website, identifying challenges and opportunities for UX and visual improvement. The biggest UX challenges included:
Lack of mobile accessibility
Inconsistent navigation
An outdated visual identity
Our priority UX outcomes were responsive web design, improved information architecture, and an updated visual identity for UI.
The Solution
The result was a comprehensive brand identity and a streamlined website redesign with a customer-centric approach. The redesigned Doctor Disability website now facilitates an easy process for physicians and dentists to select and purchase disability insurance.
The concept centered around "security and protection" merged with a universally understood symbol for the medical industry.
Drawing inspiration from established financial and insurance institutions and modern banking apps, the visual identity was crafted to exude trust and professionalism.
Custom iconography and infographics were designed to present statistics around disability insurance. Business collateral, including the Resident and Fellow's Guide to Disability Insurance, was updated to align with the new visual identity.
The new-and-improved website simplifies the user experience, emphasizing key benefits:
Easy application process
Personal customer service
Peace of mind about careers and future
The final outcome is a simplified website that not only meets the marketing and business goals for the sales team but also communicates a clear brand mission and vision to potential clients.
Doctor Disability
Insurance, Healthcare
Brand Identity, Website Design