The wrong problem

Sometimes it’s not a lack of coffee. Maybe it’s just a lack of sleep.

And maybe it’s a lack of sleep because maybe you stayed up late binge-watching your new favorite Netflix show.

Because that’s what you’ve been doing every night this week.

In this modern-day “if you give a mouse a cookie” framework, the problem suggests a solution.

So the challenge is not: “How might we make it easier to get more coffee?”

Because if it were, our solutions might look something like…

☕️ Program the automatic morning brew on our Mr. Coffee right before bed

☕️ Put the espresso machine on the nightstand

☕️ Set up a recurring Starbucks delivery at the same time every day

Instead, the challenge might be framed as: “How might we reduce distractions around bedtime?”

Our new problem statement dictates an entirely new set of solutions.

Too often we’re diagnosing the wrong creative problem.

So dig deeper. Keep asking why.

And while you’re doing that, I’ll be working on my 3rd cup of coffee.


Lucy Darby

I help passionate entrepreneurs design better experiences for their customers.

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