How to write a mission statement starting with “why”

“If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe.”

In May 2010, Simon Sinek presented a TED talk about the importance of “why.”

His “Golden Circle,” a simple map of how most companies communicate their service offering, breaks down into three layers.

1. This is WHAT we do.
2. This is HOW we do it.

Finally, the third innermost circle:

3. This is WHY we do it.

But Simon suggests that to be a remarkable company, you should START with WHY.

Most companies have a mission statement that addresses the first two points. But it takes a remarkable company to address (and prioritize) the third.

As a new mom to a 4-month old, I interact regularly with a variety of brands targeted towards young parents eager to learn and do what’s best for their children.

But of all the products I recommend to other new mothers, @fridababy is the brand that always comes out of my mouth first.

I took a closer look at the structure of their mission statement (which is present at the bottom of almost every page on their website).

Although it’s subtle, their “why” is enough to resonate with their customer.

Because I do believe parenthood is messy and imperfect and sometimes straight up gross.

But @fridababy makes the gross moments just a little bit easier on the both of us.

Lucy Darby

I help passionate entrepreneurs design better experiences for their customers.

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