Be hard on ideas, soft on people

This is a note about feedback.

Feedback can be a terrifying moment for any creative consultant. All the hours you’ve spent creating a concept or pulling together a project is suddenly subject to being utterly ripped apart.

This is where a shift of mindset is essential. For both the recipient and the feedback giver.

When both parties are aligned and focused on the goal, the outcome, the end result, whatever— the feedback naturally becomes more focused on the idea and its execution (or lack thereof).

I liken it to sitting on the same side of the table rather than opposite each other. Your goals are the same so you’re looking at the same problems together.

And when the criticism starts to bubble up, try to remember: they might be using the wrong language to address a very real problem.

As a designer, “can you make the logo bigger?” translates to “I don’t think our brand is being reflected strongly enough.”

Overall, feedback is ESSENTIAL to improve your work.

So you might as well welcome it with open arms.

Just set expectations with your client ahead of time to make sure you both are proudly on the same side of the table. Together.

Lucy Darby

I help passionate entrepreneurs design better experiences for their customers.

A note on boundaries


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